Internship | Mea Nork School Project
Mea Nork Studio | Zurich

After attending the Cambodian School Project final reviews, Hannes Schmitt — founder and director of Smiling Gecko — hired six students to work on the school design at a professional level. We aimed to combine the architectural language of my partner and I proposal with the more rational urban layout of another student project. To ensure the consistency of our design, we received during this phase advice from several faculty members, structural physicists, climatic engineers and a Cambodian architect which ensured the link with local material providers.

As a self-managed team, we directed our efforts on three main improvements. The wooden frame was rethought to provide better air circulation and be easily assembled on site, ensuring local employment. The water management system was redesigned with the tilting of the entire landscape thanks to the earth collected from digging a vast water reservoir. Lastly, an efficient phasing plan was put in place, supported by a hierarchized urban layout, and the creation of self-sustaining clusters of four buildings.  

The finals plans were delivered in July 2016, and the constructions started in August. The first phase ended in November 2017, and the school welcomed its 120 first students.

Collaborative work with Lorine, Alina, Lizzy, Elisabeth, and Lisa.

First phase

Second phase

Third phase

Re-designed wooden frame | Made of smaller pieces to be manufactured in the village

Construction process & factory | Ensuring local employement

Plan of a self-sustaining cluster

Classroom model | Testing both structural system and spacial qualities

Master model | Showcasing the school’s organization

Renders of the school and photos of the first phase completion

© Olivier Faber 2021